Entry from November 8, 2019

Today marks one year since I made my first short film, “Exulansis” which won gold in the Nikon Photo Contest. What a transformative year it’s been. I feel incredibly blessed to have received so many opportunities and experiences, each one more meaningful than the last. One of the most significant blessings came when Nikon invited me to Tokyo, a place I never imagined myself in but quickly fell in love with.

Tokyo, with its vibrant energy and endless layers of culture, felt like stepping into a dream. The city’s blend of ancient tradition and futuristic innovation was a sensory overload in the best possible way. From the bustling streets of Shibuya to the serene temples hidden away in quiet corners, every moment was filled with wonder. I was constantly inspired, finding beauty in even the smallest details –

But it wasn’t just the city that left an impact on me. Tokyo gave me more than sights and sounds; it brought new friends I know will be part of my life forever. I met fellow filmmakers, photographers, and artists who shared their stories, passions, and dreams with me. These new friendships felt like instant connections, and I knew immediately that they would last a lifetime. We bonded over our love for storytelling, spending late nights discussing ideas, and finding inspiration in each other’s work.

Receiving an award for my film in Tokyo was a moment of profound gratitude and joy. Standing on stage, I felt a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing that my work was resonating with others far from home. It was a moment of validation, not just for my film, but for the journey I had been on to get there. Tokyo wrapped me in its embrace, making me feel seen, appreciated, and valued.

This experience in Tokyo was like pure magic, opening doors I had only dreamed about. One of these doors is taking me to Spain for a Nikon Masterclass, a chance to learn and grow even more as an artist. Coincidentally, I leave for Spain on the same day “Exulansis” will be screened at my hometown’s Southern Screen Film Festival. It feels like the universe is going full circle, and I’m so excited to follow the serendipity.

I am grateful beyond words for the opportunities and support I’ve received. Cheers to everyone who has been part of this journey, to the friends who have become family, and to the city of Tokyo for showing me that dreams really can come true. Here’s to continuing the adventure, wherever it may lead.

Exulansis n. the tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it.